
Photoluminescent systems


Streets, pedestrian bridges, cycle paths

Photoluminescent systems

Photoluminescent systems serve to govern the light fall curve, typical of the photo luminescence in order to adapt it to the user’s needs.
Everyone knows that photo luminescent products can be excited not only by sunlight but also by electric light, both UV and white LEDs, thus restoring their maximum luminous charge.
Basically, using a minimum of electricity, governed by a timer or a presence sensor, it is possible to create systems that maintain the photoluminescence emission in constant performance. Think, for example, of a cycle path, which lights up and recharges when a cyclist passes by, thus guaranteeing an ideal light “when needed” without necessary waste.

The CO2 LESS system

Another important impact of the use of photoluminescent systems is certainly the ENERGY SAVING which is well documented by the L.E.S.S system (acronym for Lucedentro Energy Saving System)


Energy saving

Lucedentro presents the innovative street lamp with energy saving photoluminescence with gain solar and timed photoluminescence recharge.

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Neo-Neon: energy saving security system for offices, garages and other applications.

Think of all the Italian villages or hamlets where the street lamps emit white light as they pass, but when they are switched off there remains a photoluminescent safety light that is activated for 1 minute every 10 minutes – This is equivalent to 90% of actual energy savings –

In this system, only white light is used when passing and photoluminescence is used for safety-

In conclusion, according to Lucedentro, the new frontier of photo luminescence passes through intelligent systems –